Being Stronger Than Your Excuses
One of the biggest obstacles we are confronted with when it comes to our goals is our mindset, especially when it comes to losing weight. We are all guilty of making excuses to justify our current situation. How often do you say to yourself “I don’t have time” or “I’ll start on Monday” only to continually feel unhappy and depressed about your looks. YES it is hard to ‘find time’. In this day and age we are all time poor! What we need to start doing is changing our mindset to one that will MAKE time. We always make time for things that are important to us, whatever it may be, whatever we prioritise as important to us, will be achieved. It is easy to skip a gym session or eat junk food but when you can switch off that negative voice in your head, you will get closer to a fitter, happier, heathier you. In 12 months from now, do you still want to be in the same place, or do you want to look back on how far you have come? Think about it, everyday you make choices which are affecting how you are living your life and what kind of lifestyle you will have. Start off by making small shifts in your thought process, choices and priorities and you will see big results.
I know myself, I had every excuse in the book to not start on my health and fitness journey…I’m too far gone, I’ll never succeed anyway, I have failed every other time so this time wont be any different, I’ve had a baby so this is just what my body is like now, I don’t have time, I love my food too much, I’m not out to impress anyone else, I’ve always been heavy and I could just keep going on and on. Nowadays I think a lot about how far I have come and how easy it would have been to still be at the same place I used to be- overweight and unhealthy. I cannot tell you how glad that I am not. Of course I’ve fallen off the wagon, had mega binges on nutella and sat on my butt when I should’ve been sweating it out….we all have at some point. I believe life is very much about balance and we need to have balance in our lives to succeed. But I have found that when you give yourself too much leeway it is much harder to get back into it and you can fall victim to those old excuses. It takes small changes each day and dedication and commitment to your goals. Keep them at the forefront of your mind and in your sights. Slowly develop positive thoughts that will help you achieve those goals. You are worth it, you can do it and NO it isn’t easy, but nothing worth it ever is!
Excuses steal hope. Excuses steal passion. Excuses steal results. Don’t let excuses win the battle. They will always be there…everyday, trying their hardest to convince us that we cannot do it, that we aren’t worth it or that we’ll never make it. Be stronger than your excuses because the only way to get results is to DO IT!
Your turn…. Have you been able to overcome an excuse before? If so, jump on the comments or under the Facebook post and let everyone know!